Pictures by Ronny Nys & Nadou
De Rossistische Podcast and Recyclart dive in depth into what it means to be ginger with a ginger curated art fair.
Rost haar is uniek en valt op. Het is een bepalend fysiek kenmerk en een vorm van zelfexpressie waarvan de maatschappelijke blik door de eeuwen heen enorm geëvolueerd is. Van seksualisering tot spot, wetenschap tot geschiedenis, De Rossistische Podcast bespreekt tot in de diepte wat het precies betekent om rost te zijn en waar ‘rossisme’, discriminatie naar roodharigen, precies vandaag komt.
Uiteindelijk is alles wat je anders maakt iets om trots op te zijn. Daarom organiseren De Rossistische Podcast en Recyclart het eerste ‘Ginger Art Festival’ in België. Kom op 22 maart gingerhood vieren met een ginger curated kunstbeurs, een screening van 2 kortfilms, live dans- en muziekoptredens en een Q&A met fragmenten van de podcast.
Ginger hair is unique and it stands out. It is a defining physical characteristic and a form of self-expression whose societal view has evolved continuously over the past centuries. From sexualisation to mockery, science to history, De Rossistische Podcast dives in depth into what it means to be ginger and where ‘gingerism’, discrimination towards gingers, exactly comes from.
At the end of the day, everything that makes you different is something to be proud of. That’s why De Rossistische Podcast and Recyclart are organising the first ‘Ginger Art Festival’ in Belgium. Come celebrate gingerhood on March 22nd with a ginger curated art fair, a screening of 2 short films, live dance and music performances and a Q&A with fragments of the podcast.
18:00 Expo + Market
19:00: Dance performance by Florencia Papaleo
19.15: Slam poetry by Sasha Otis
19.35: Dance performance by Dovydas Strimaitis
20:00: Podcast (ENGL)
21:15: Music performances by Marius La Nuit
22:00 – 24:00: DJ Poelie
+ BAR RESTO 12:00 > 22:00
Manchesterstraat 13, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
Poelie was barely 13 when he bought his first DJ set and practiced almost every day. He already played at Bomboclat Festival and StuDay where he opened for Faisal and Vunzige Deuntjes Soundsystem. While rooted in Hip Hop, Poelie has ventured into a diverse range of genres, blending electronic music with Afrobeat, Dancehall and Latin. His sets combine classics with new music and always know how to come up with a surprise.
Marius La Nuit – Marius la Nuit écrit des chansons. Avec sa guitare elle chante, rêve, pleure et s’indigne. Malgré les orages et les nuages, elle écrit. Des chansons bleues et des chansons rouges. Qui oscillent entre douceur et colère. Des chansons sincères qui serrent la gorge, les poings et les zygomatiques. Elle travaille désormais avec deux musicien.nes pour partager son univers et ses nouvelles chansons sur scène.
Hello everyone! I’m Oksana Baudemont, an artist from the North of France. My work? Creating an imaginary universe where fauna, underwater flora, mushrooms, and many others intertwine in an organic fusion. I enjoy blurring the boundaries between species, exploring transformations through drawing, engraving, and sculpture. My red hair is like a gateway to art, inspiring me from Pre-Raphaelite paintings. There is a good amount of paintings of redheaded muses where, even unconsciously, they may have made me proud of my hair and want to belong to a world where they were highlighted. They also reflect my emotions, weakening when I am feeling down. I cherish them, seeking to regain their former shine.
Ik ben Robbe Schepens, 23 jaar oud en woon in Gent. Als kind groeide ik op in China waar mijn rossige haar als speciaal en gelukbrengend werd beschouwd. Dit trok veel aandacht, maar toen ik terug naar België verhuisde, werd ik gepest. Dit leidde me naar de fantasiewereld van stripverhalen, waar ik mijn eigen werelden begon te creëren. Mijn kunst richt zich voornamelijk op illustratie, maar ik experimenteer ook graag met schilderen, digitale media en grafische technieken zoals linodruk en gel printen.
Meet Leen Van Dommelen, a Belgian performance maker and visual artist based in Brussels. With a background in sculpture and a master’s degree in visual art and choreography, her work revolves around performances and installations, inviting viewers into a vulnerable interaction with introspective themes.
“I’m fascinated by the connection between red hair and transparent skin, which creates an illusion of revealing one’s inner self – the blue veins, the blush of embarrassment. This sense of the body ‘betraying’ the inner world has deeply influenced my identity as both an individual and an artist. I’m drawn to the idea of the ‘uncontrollable body’ – blushing, trembling, fainting, rapid blinking – and how attempts to suppress these reactions only amplify them. This tension between psyche and body, control and loss of control, inspires my exploration of how the inner world manifests in physicality. I delve into the mechanisms beneath the surface, navigating societal norms and expectations.”
Florencia Papaleo Yaccuzzi is an Argentinian performer born in 1994.
She moved to Brussels in 2018. During these years she has been working in dance and theater projects and films directed by Paola Madrid, Susanne Bentley and John Turturro, among others.
Florencia is a founding member of Les Sudakas Collective, a group of South-American artists based in Belgium.
My name is Celeste. I am a Brussels-based, part-time crocheter working out my life’s musings, joys, frustrations, and everything in-between, one loving stitch at a time. For the ginger art festival, I am inspired by my ginger pride and bring you works that stand out as much as we gingers do! I am also a member of the Crochet Club Antwerp, which meets weekly Wednesday evenings, beginners welcome.
Hello! My name is Mart im a 3rd years film student at the HKU in Utrecht(the Netherlands) I like to make movies but furniture making and animating are also things i love to do! I like stuff thats handmade and i try to give this feeling to everything i make!
Besides this im also a dj and i really love sound! I think its the best way to get a person into a certain mood! I’ve been redhead al my life! Who would have thought at first getting called some names wasnt really fun but ive gotten over it and think thats also just part of growing up!
Je suis Maegan, la fondatrice d’une friperie en ligne où je partage ma passion pour les vêtements vintage depuis un an déjà. Depuis toujours, j’adore dénicher des pièces avec une histoire, que ce soit en les empruntant à ma mère ou en les récupérant de mes amies. Mais ce que j’aime encore plus, c’est de voir ces vêtements prendre vie sur d’autres personnes et les rendre trop stylées ! En ce qui concerne mes cheveux, j’ai longtemps hésité à les teindre, mais avec le temps, j’ai appris à aimer ma couleur naturelle, un roux auburn unique.
Based in Brussels, Otis is a belgo-english peotry performer. They mingle words fluidly from french to English, from spoken word to signing, exploring the themes of intimacy, healing, relationships and existence in a capitalist context.
They studies acting at IAD and then developed their personal expression through dance, writing and singing. They are a member of the “Collectif Pèse-Moi”, a slam collective composed of women and non-binary people.
Al van jongs af aan ging ik naar de tekenacademie Sint-Lucas te Gent en heb daar dan later ook mijn Middelbaar afgewerkt. Ik houd niet van zweverige verhaaltjes over kunst, mijn kunst is mijn hobby en kwam tot stand om om te gaan met stress. Als ik stress ervaar, vind ik rust bij tekenen, schilderen en boetseren.
Mijn beide ouders zijn niet rost maar mijn rost valt wel te verklaren aangezien mijn vader een Engelsman ( en een deeltje Schots) was. In Engeland zijn gingers niet bepaald geliefd, althans, dit is uit eigen ervaring. Meer nog, tijdens mijn geboorte wees mijn vader er duidelijk nog eens op ‘If it’s a ginger, it certainly isn’t mine!’. Jokes on you dad
For the past two years, I’ve been immersed in drawing, experimenting with various materials and styles. Currently, I’m drawn to contrasts, textures, geometric shapes, and primary colors. My art is fueled by daily life and reflections on social phenomena. I love depicting people, exaggerating expressions and features to convey stories and emotions.
Growing up, I was surrounded by graphic design and printing press due to my father’s work, and I’ve always valued artistic expression in my education. This background has fueled my passion for creativity and visual storytelling. In the future, I aspire to collaborate with projects promoting social justice and awareness through visual art.
Meet Dovydas Strimaitis, a Lithuanian dancer and choreographer based in France and Belgium. His works delve into questioning dance history and future, exploring the relationship between dance content and context. In his upcoming piece “Hairy 2.0”, he places his hair at the forefront, examining its role as both subject and object in dance. Hair, unlike other body parts, cannot be moved voluntarily, posing a challenge in choreography. This tension of controlling the uncontrollable is the essence of “Hairy 2.0”.
Née à Paris en 1997, Olga Boisnard est entourée par une famille travaillant dans l’image, ce qui crée rapidement une passion pour la photographie.
Elle a commencé des projets de photographie numérique avec le projet « Submarine Skins », réalisé pour le talent show du lycée français de Bruxelles. Il prend forme à partir de photographies sous-marines prises par son père, Arthur Boisnard, puis projetées sur des modèles vivants, donnant ainsi naissance à des corps sous-marins.
Toujours attirée par la complémentarité des couleurs et des motifs, elle continue aujourd’hui principalement à l’argentique, photographiant son quotidien et ses découvertes.